Thursday, January 14, 2021

Fire Starter


Gary August stared outside the window to see the dead grass, sleeping trees and the sunrise. There was a collage of colors that was pink, red, violet and it represented death to him. It was a morning like no other and for Gary it was going to be a day he wouldn't forget.

            He scratched his scruffy chin with his finger. His grey eyes revealed that he was fidgety, angry and hadn’t gotten any sleep for days. His black hair drooped over his eyes and ears as he noticed a few snowflakes fall next to his window. It was April and the snow had melted on the lawn, but it was starting to snow.

           Tears emerged in his eyes as he heard the voices in his head telling him to kill the ones that taunted him. He remembered how they embarrassed, beat him up and laughed at him when he would make mistakes or ask stupid questions in class, but that was a long time ago and now he was a grown up and would have to act mature and natural at his new job at the post office.

            They changed him into this carnage of hate. This hate machine that loved to kill people and use guns and knives to shed blood. It was like a lovely green meadow that had become a victim to a wildfire. His classmates teased and hurt him was the wildfire that destroyed his innocence, the child of the past. The teachers and guidance counselors thought he lost his mind and went crazy when he went to high school. The innocence was transformed into vengeance by starting fires to the bullies responsible. It would sometimes start with a bullet in the brain or a knife in the chest, but he never got caught by the police. Even the best detectives in the world could track his trail in the sewers because of the urine and shit they would have to sniff out like hounds. They could not find him.

             Gary inhaled his cigarette as the window fogged up with the memories unraveled through his mind and became more than real, they haunted him. He loved his Camels and Marlboros and remembered every morning getting ready for school only to be laughed at, mocked, and betrayed by those that claimed to be his friend. The so-called friends were nothing more than traitors.

To be continued. . . . . . . . . .

"Fire Starter" 
Red and Blue Dragon Fantasy LLC. 
Ryan Keith Johnson 
Copy Right 2012 
All Rights Reserved. 

available on Kindle, Blue Dragon Fantasy; Faded Memories do Become Real and "The Legacy Anthology" 

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